Film Funding

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Spring Grants 2024 - Development Stage

Carol Mezher, Gabriela Flores / TV Series / Lebanon, France, Qatar / 50 min / Original Language: Arabic, Danish, English, French / Interests: Drama, Thriller, Family, Based on a True Story


In 2015, amidst the Syrian civil war, the ancient city of Palmyra faced widespread looting and destruction. Omar Al Mansour, a devoted archaeologist and Palmyra’s head of antiquities strives to protect the heritage in his custody. Faced with escalating offensives and lacking support, he plots to smuggle some of the most valuable and globally coveted antiquities to the iconic Hotel Palmyra in Baalbeck, owned by his close friend Rania, despite her grappling with financial struggles and a corrupt investor. With the help of Fereale, a former singer turned art merchant, his daughter Zenobia, and his staff, Omar leads the operations. But Rania’s last chance to save her property from total collapse is derailed by an unexpected shipment delivered to her door: the world-renowned “Bust of Queen Zenobia,” Palmyra’s museum’s lost antique wonder and the latest craze of the art market. When Omar is ruthlessly killed by an ISIS squad, the lives of Fereale, Rania, and Zenobia intertwine in an unanticipated reunion, urging them to deal with the hidden antiquities as Omar’s last testament. Amidst the reigning chaos and ISIS’ hunt for the prize, the three women embark on a journey to preserve their past, only to uncover Omar’s dark family secrets while ominous buyers and collectors wait impatiently overseas.


Carol Mezher , Gabriela Flores
Karim Safieddine, Laurent Fumeron
Production Company
Cinemoz (Lebanon), The Project (France)

About the Director

Carol Mezher is a writer, producer, and content curator with an extensive background in creative development, editorial content, and artistic production in the fields of cinema, television, theatre, music, and live shows. After holding various roles in international live productions and film festivals, she shifted her primary focus towards film and TV content, crafting original titles that bridge Middle Eastern storytelling with global audiences. Among her upcoming projects are 'Palmyra' (Fiction Series), 'The Yellow Line' (Short Film), and 'Dead Dog,' directed by Sarah Francis (Associate Producer).

Gabriela Flores is a creative involved in the development, direction, and production of various forms of storytelling tailored to bespoke entertainment formats. Gabriela has contributed to a diverse range of large-scale productions, including Olympic and sports ceremonies, national celebrations, theatrical shows, video productions, and cultural events worldwide. With a trans-disciplinary approach, she is dedicated to building bridges between different visual arts and formats. Since 2020, she has been focusing on developing TV content as part of her creative evolution and exploration.


  • Main Contact

    Carol Mezher


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