تمويل الأفلام

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When the Fire Burned the Sun

دورة منح الخريف 2024 - إنتاج

Yassine Ouahrani / فيلم روائي قصير / المغرب, قطر / 0 دقائق / اللغة الأصلية: العربية / الإهتمامات: خيال علمي


“After a high-tech factory shuts down, Sami and Noor are instructed to return their memories of their time at the factory the following day. While Noor plans to smuggle a memory of Sami and her love for him so they can leave the city together, Sami reveals a different plan. He has no intention of keeping a memory of Noor or leaving the city. Instead, he plans to smuggle machinery blueprints he designed at the factory, hoping to stay and find work elsewhere.

Sami leaves and ventures into the old town. In an underground shisha restaurant, he meets Alissa, a smuggler. Alissa agrees to provide Sami with the illegal pen and paper he needs to smuggle the blueprints—but only if he beats her at a game of memory cards. Sami agrees to play, unaware that Alissa intends to use the game to provoke him into revealing the deeper truth behind his desperate need to smuggle a memory of the factory machines.”

طاقم العمل والتمثيل

Yassine Wahrani
Yassine Wahrani
Cindy Le Templier
شركة الإنتاج
The Film House

نبذة عن المخرج

Yassine Wahrani is a French-Moroccan screenwriter and director based in Doha, Qatar. Holding a degree in Communications from Northwestern University, he joined the Doha Film Institute in 2019. Yassine is currently developing a short fiction film, produced by the Film House, titled ‘When the Fire Burned the Sun’.


  • Main Contact

    Cindy Le Templier

    The Film House
    البريد الإلكتروني: 

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