Doha Documentary Lab
- Start date:
- Jan 01, 2014
- Duration:
- 3 Weeks
- Ability Level:
- Intermediate
Registration Closed
Gulf Film Development apologies, but due to unforeseen circumstances we are moving the Documentary Lab to a later date (exact dates and schedule to be confirmed).
DFI’s Lab Series provides a transformative experience for Gulf filmmakers who have mastered the formative building blocks of filmmaking. Participants are encouraged to develop their skills in a supportive environment that inspires creativity and builds confidence. Approaches to accessing and exploring inner themes are applied to personal stories that come from the heart and reflect contemporary life in the Gulf region.
Doha Documentary Lab
An intensive lab designed to sharpen skills in documentary technique and theory in a realistic, high-pressure environment that takes participants from pre-production to final edit. International documentary filmmakers provide guidance in accessing the director’s internal voice to shift the doc experience from reportage to personal reflection.
Skills are honed in concept development, cinematography, sound and camera acquisition, and editing.
Applicants must apply with a documentary treatment ready for shooting, with subject matter that can be filmed in Doha over a two-day period during the lab dates. Preliminary script development with the GFD team takes place in advance of acceptance to the lab.
Date: Exact dates and schedule to be confirmed.