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Sara is preparing for a wedding in northern Iran with her daughter and husband, Hamed. But when…
Farnoosh Samadi / Iran / Feature Narrative
An elderly woman named Najla relives cherished memories of her childhood and first communion th…
Ziad Mazraany / Lebanon / Short Narrative
Can the lines in a hand hold stories? What memories do the grooves store? Ghada invites her mot…
Ghada Fikri / Egypt / Short Documentary
In this enduring, endearing, and moving Disney classic, a fawn named Bambi joins his new friend…
James Algar, Samuel Armstrong, David Hand / United States of America / Feature Narrative
Set in a dystopian dollhouse, little Jameela seeks the acceptance of two mean girls. But when s…
Mayar Hamdan / Jordan, Qatar / Short Narrative
‘The Blair Witch Project’ follows a trio of filmmakers on what should have been a simple walk i…
Daniel Myrick, Eduardo Sanchez / United States of America / Unknown
During the World War II bombings of London, four English children are sent to a country house w…
Andrew Adamson / United Kingdom, United States of America / Feature Narrative