Express Yourself- Family Day Panel
Doha Talks – Panel, DURATION: 60min

Sat, Nov 24, 02:00 PM, Katara Opera House (K16-OH)Event has passed
Event Description
Express Yourself! Families and youth are invited to explore how artists express themselves in film. Through demonstrations and hands-on participation, this family panel will explore the use of animation, dance, music and art in the movies and encourage everyone to find the artist within themselves.
Mohammed Harib
ModeratorFounder , Lammtara Art Production
Mohammed Saeed Harib is a well-known Emirati and Chairman of Lammtara. He created the highly popular animated TV series “FREEJ”. The first season aired in 2006 and received rave reviews from viewers and critics alike with Mohammed and “FREEJ” becoming cultural icons recognized across the region. Mohammed studied General Arts and Animation at Northeastern University in Boston. After establishing Lammtara in 2005, he announced his first animation project “FREEJ”.