Film Funding

All Projects

Art and Movement

Spring Grants 2022 - Production Stage

Marwa Mohamed Ahmed / Web Series / Qatar / 4 min / Original Language: Arabic, English / Interests: Creative Documentary


The aftermath of political unrest, social change and economic growth (and collapse) greatly influences people’s lives and choices. This impact has historically been manifested in the arts, wherein individuals are given the chance to voice their emotions and thoughts creatively and intuitively.There is a plethora of stories from all corners of the world, either painted on canvases, echoed in songs, or captured in cinema. The web series _Art and Movement _ specifically highlights artistic styles and movements that emerged and flourished across the Arab region and African continent. Each episode features an art movement from a specific period of time, born from the genius of visionary artists who explore specific themes and pioneer distinctive art styles and techniques.


Marwa Mohamed Ahmed
Marwa Mohamed Ahmed, Sara M. Al Shafai, Teslim Sanni, Amin Abdelmonim
Marwa Mohamed Ahmed

About the Director

Marwa Ahmed is Sudanese-Canadian writer and producer, who holds a Bachelor's in Media and Communications Studies and a Master's in Museums and Gallery Practice. As an avid art collector, she focuses on acquiring works by Sudanese and other African artists, particularly those exploring themes of revolution, human rights, and African heritage. Marwa has initiated Rakoubah: The Art House, a digital platform dedicated to promoting contemporary African and Arab art and culture.


  • Main Contact

    Marwa Mohamed Ahmed


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