Film Funding

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In This Darkness I See You

Fall Grants 2020 - Production Stage

Nadim Tabet / Feature Narrative / Lebanon, Qatar / Original Language: Arabic / Interests: Drama, Thriller, Fantasy, Romance, Politics, Social Issues, Identity


Tarek, a 30-year-old Syrian, joins a construction site set in the middle of a forest. Immediately, Tarek is confronted with difficult work conditions plagued by the hostility of Lebanese villagers toward the Syrian workers because they suffered under Syrian military occupation in the 1990s. Despite this, construction on site continues until suddenly, workers start disappearing. In the middle of this paranoiac atmosphere, Tarek is subject to strange visions. He slowly begins to realize that the site is haunted by the ghost of a woman who was allegedly murdered by a Syrian soldier. For Tarek, there is no doubt that she must be getting her revenge on the Syrians. He starts investigating and meets Rana, a local guide with whom a forbidden love story starts. But when the villagers also begin to disappear, Tarek realizes that the truth about the murder of this woman might not be what it seems.


Nadim Tabet
Nadim Tabet, Antoine Waked
Georges Schoucair
Production Company
Abbout Productions

About the Director

Nadim Tabet is a Lebanese director who directed several short films that screened internationally. In 2001, he co-founded the Lebanese Film Festival and has worked as a film programmer for several European festivals. His first feature film 'One of These Days' (2017) premiered at Rome Film Fest and was sold by Celluloid Dreams. He is currently preparing his second feature, as well as a series titled 'Faraya'. Nadim Tabet also directs fashion films and music videos for several bands coming from Europe and the Arab world and gives conferences on cinema for various universities.


  • Main Contact

    Georges Schoucair

    Abbout Productions

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