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Little Man

Spring Grants 2024 - Production Stage

Hajri Gachouch / Short Narrative / France, Qatar / 16 min / Original Language: Arabic / Interests: Drama


On the edges of the Sahara Desert, in a small Moroccan village afflicted by drought, six-year-old Little Man slips away from his house each night and heads to a palm grove. Here, he meticulously pours the little bit of water he’s managed to save during the day. When his parents discover his nocturnal excursions and that he hasn’t been drinking his water rations for days, they believe he has fallen under the possession of djinns. As they try everything to save him from the influence of these spirits and from dehydration, Little Man perseveres in carrying out his mysterious mission, no matter the cost. His unwavering determination and secretive actions reveal a more profound purpose that holds the potential to transform his drought-stricken village.


Hajri Mohammed Gachouch
Hajri Mohammed Gachouch, Juliette Marrécau
Luc Sorrel
Production Company
Astral Production

About the Director

Hajri Gachouch is a Franco-Algerian screenwriter, director, and playwright. In 2017, he was an artist-in-residence at Paris's Plateaux Sauvages, preparing his debut play, 'Holy Ground,' for the Théâtre de l'Opprimé. In 2018, his first short film, 'The Struggle,' was selected for Valencia's 22nd International Screenwriters Festival. The following year, he directed three shorts under Laurence Lascary's mentorship at DACP Production. His project 'Little Man,' selected for the 2021 Aubagne International Film Festival, is in development, produced by Astral Production. In 2023, Gachouch joined Collectif 50/50's mentoring program, working under Teddy Lussi-Modeste, whose 'Price of Success' premiered at Toronto in 2017.


  • Main Contact

    Luc Sorrel

    Astral Production

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