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Perhaps What I Fear Does Not Exist

Spring Grants 2019

Corine Shawi / Feature Documentary / Lebanon, Qatar / 70 min / Original Language: Arabic / Interests: Biography, Creative Documentary


“I can’t believe this is happening”, I said to myself when my father’s body failed unexpectedly, two years ago. Who would have known that he would end up being paraplegic after all this time? We were living a life we could call normal before it proved us wrong. The hospital rooms became our new home where we could cook, live, sleep and gather with the few remaining friends and the family members. My mother, a long-time believer, prays to God and the saints wishing desperately for a change in the situation. When nothing seems to go right, we try to call for a miracle. With my camera, I follow my mother in her perpetual prayers, by questioning her faith and what is keeping her going. I film to try to accept what life put us through, to understand the weakness of the body, its complexity and how it can affect the soul. If the body fails to move, does the soul cease as well? Will my father’s strong hopes help him move again? Through my lens, I explore the human condition and the power of faith while observing a daily struggle become an ordinary way of living.


Corine Shawi
Corine Shawi
Myriam Sassine

About the Director

Lebanese filmmaker Corine Shawi's journey began at age 20 with her documentary 'Les Femmes Bonnes.' Her interest in human connections led her to explore various themes. 'Affinity' pondered her friendship limits, while 'Film of Welcome and Farewells' portrayed loneliness in Copenhagen. 'I Love You Forever' delved into the unusual tale of two old sisters, and 'E Muet' explored the expression of friendship and love. Her latest film, 'Perhaps What I Fear Does Not Exist,' chronicled a four-year journey seeking absolution for her broken family. Corine shares her expertise with filmmakers, teaching at Saint Joseph University since 2011 and co-creating TAABIR visual language workshops.


  • Main Contact

    Myriam Sassine

    Abbout Productions

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