Film Funding

  • A Road to Damascus

    Spring Grants 2019 - Development Stage

    Based on Meedo’s novel of the same title. A bus carrying immigrant farmers is gunned down just…

    Meedo Taha / Lebanon, France, Qatar / Feature Narrative

  • Road to La Paz

    Spring Grant 2015 - Post-Production Stage

    Thirty-five-year-old Sebastián’s greatest passions are his old Peugeot 505 and the prog-rock ba…

    Francisco Varone / Argentina, Netherlands, Germany, Qatar / Feature Narrative

  • The Road to Mosul

    Spring Grants 2016 -

    Mosul, 2014. Ten-year-old Zaineb and her 14-year-old brother, Yousif escape after ISIS militia…

    Yahya Al Allaq / Iraq, Qatar / Feature Narrative

  • The Rooftops

    Fall Grant 2012 - Production Stage

    Algiers. An overcrowded city with endless traffic jams, chaotic crowds, rundown buildings, old…

    Merzak Allouache / Algeria, France, Qatar / Feature Narrative

  • Roqia

    Fall Grants 2022 - Production Stage

    In 1993, after a car crash leaves Ahmed with amnesia, he returns to his village, where not…

    Yanis Koussim / Algeria, France, Qatar / Feature Narrative

  • Roshmia

    Spring Grant 2014 - Post-Production Stage

    Since 1956, when he became a refugee from downtown Haifa’s Wadi Alsaleeb neighbourhood, 80-year…

    Salim Abu Jabal / Palestine, United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, Syria, Qatar / Feature Documentary

  • Rouge Parole

    Fall Grant 2011 - Post-Production Stage

    The Arab Spring erupted in a country where few would have expected, starting a political earthq…

    Elyes Baccar / Tunisia, Switzerland, Qatar / Feature Documentary

  • Roundabout in My Head

    Spring Grant 2015 - Post-Production Stage

    While it may seem strange to think of an abattoir as a place of peace and beauty, ‘Roundabout…

    Hassen Ferhani / Algeria, France, Lebanon, Netherlands, Qatar / Feature Experimental or Essay

  • Rumors

    Spring Grant 2011 - Production Stage

    Souad and her neighbours’ hearts go out to the people who live around the block, victims of the…

    Azza El-Hassan / Jordan, Qatar / Short Narrative

  • Saffron's Land

    Fall Grants 2017 - Development Stage

    In the Atlas Mountains lies Safrana, an isolated village that was repeatedly attacked by the Fr…

    Yassine El Idrissi / Morocco, Qatar / Feature Narrative

  • Sahaab

    Spring Grant 2015 - Production Stage

    Following his brother’s death, Nasser and his friend Sanad decide to participate in a falcon ra…

    Khalifa Abdullah Al Muraikhi / Qatar / Feature Narrative

  • Salaam Plenty

    Spring Grant 2012 - Development Stage

    'Salaam Plenty' is about the memory and erasure of the presence of Afghan cameleers in Australi…

    Samira (Yasmine) Kassari / Morocco, Australia, Belgium, Qatar / Feature Documentary

  • Samir in the Dust

    Fall Grant 2013 - Production Stage

    I always liked smugglers because they are playing with borders. But, I soon realized that the o…

    Mohamed Ouzine / Algeria, France, Qatar / Feature Documentary

  • Sanad

    Spring Grants 2022 - Production Stage

    While having plans of his own, Jassim is forced to make a stop at a campsite after learning abo…

    Noor Al-Nasr / Qatar / Short Narrative

  • Sanctorum

    Fall Grants 2018 -

    In a small town plagued by a war between the army and drug traffickers, a child has lost his mo…

    Joshua Gil / Mexico, Qatar / Feature Narrative

  • Sandogi (My Treasure Chest)

    Spring Grants 2021 - Development Stage

    A middle-aged man is left to question his existence as he goes through an extraordinary journey…

    Noor Alkuwari / Qatar / Short Narrative

  • Scales

    Fall Grant 2014 - Development Stage

    The only source of the food on the island is mermaid flesh. The only way to keep the food suppl…

    Shahad Ameen / Saudi Arabia, Qatar / Feature Narrative

  • Scenes from a Revolt Sustained

    Spring Grant 2011 - Production Stage

    Examining the culture and history of Tunisia and how it has been mediated or ignored by the Wes…

    Kays Mejri, Matt Peterson / France, Tunisia, United States of America, Qatar / Feature Documentary

  • School of Hope

    Fall Grants 2019 - Post-Production Stage

    In the vast expanse of desert, East of Atlas Mountains in Morocco, seasonal rain and snow once…

    Mohamed El Aboudi / Finland, France, Morocco, Qatar / Feature Documentary

  • Screwdriver

    Spring Grants 2016 -

    Young Ziad is the star of the Jalazon Refugee Camp basketball team in Palestine. When his best…

    Bassam Jarbawi / Palestine, United States of America, Qatar / Feature Narrative