Film Funding

  • Costa Brava, Lebanon

    Fall Grants 2018 - Production Stage

    In ‘Costa Brava, Lebanon’, the free-spirited Badri family escape the overwhelming pollution and…

    Mounia Akl / Lebanon, France, Spain, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Qatar / Feature Narrative

  • Crayons of Askalan

    Fall Grant 2011 - Post-Production Stage

    A creative documentary based on the powerful story of the Palestinian artist Zuhdi Al Adawi. IN…

    Laila Hotait Salas / Lebanon, Spain, Qatar / Feature Documentary

  • Everything That Has a Future

    Spring Grant 2015 - Development Stage

    Cairo, June 2015, 6:00 AM. An explosion shatters a window, knocking Lola, a 40-year old-Egyptia…

    Laila Hotait Salas / Lebanon, Spain, Qatar / Feature Narrative

  • I Am Here But You Can't See Me

    Fall Grants 2023 - Production Stage

    In the fictitious city of Beirut lives Viola, a musician and the leader of an underground movem…

    Feyrouz Serhal / Lebanon, Spain, France, Qatar / Feature Narrative

  • Jump the Wall

    Spring Grants 2022 - Post-Production Stage

    A filmmaker has come to Sweden to present his film 'The Healer'. He receives a surprising call…

    Mohamed Zineddaine / Morocco, Spain, Qatar / Feature Documentary

  • Mimosas

    Fall Grant 2015 - Post-Production Stage

    An elderly sheikh, nearing death, seeks to travel to his birthplace in the Atlas Mountains so h…

    Oliver Laxe Coro / Spain, Morocco, France, Qatar / Feature Narrative

  • Requiem for a Tribe

    Spring Grants 2024 - Post-Production Stage

    Hajar has a dream. She wants to reconnect with her childhood memories and the traditions of her…

    Marjan Khosravi / Iran, Spain, Qatar / Feature Documentary

  • Status Quo

    Spring Grants 2022 - Development Stage

    On a fateful Friday night, five unlikely heroes will be thrown into a dangerous game of justice…

    Gilbert Karam / Lebanon, Qatar, Spain, USA / TV Series

  • Tshweesh

    Fall Grants 2016 -

    Beirut, the day of the World Cup. A woman walks through the relatively quiet streets – people a…

    Feyrouz Serhal / Lebanon, Germany, Spain, Qatar / Short Narrative

  • The Wind Blew On

    Fall Grants 2017 - Post-Production Stage

    “Perhaps I’m already dead?” says the child, and no one will confirm if this is true or false. H…

    Katrín Ólafsdóttir / Iceland, Qatar, Spain, France, Chile / Feature Narrative