School Stars - Short Film Competition

The Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Qatar is proud to present an exciting short film competition in partnership with Doha Film Institute.
As part of the efforts of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Qatar to explore new platforms for learning and ensure undisrupted access to quality education, the e-learning platforms of the Ministry have provided students in Qatar with an opportunity to efficiently interact and exchange their learnings, with academic flexibility to achieve their best.
As we already know, our children have unlimited creative energy and potential. To channel this into something positive and allow them a form of productive expression, we are delighted to invite students of all ages to take part in the short film competition “School Stars”. A community wide initiative designed to hone the creativity and skills of our students. To participate, students must create a short film based on the theme that is selected from them each month by Doha Film Institute.
Theme: The Bright Side
Duration: 30 second to 60-second-long video
Submission dates: 7th April 2020 – 9th May 2020
A jury/independent juries will be formed by the Doha Film Institute to choose the best 2 films from each of the three age groups:
● The first category: 1st grade – 4th grade
● The second category: 5th grade – 8th grade
● The third category: 9th grade – 12th grade
Submitted films will be shown on the social media platforms of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education and Doha Film Institute. Prizes will be awarded to winning films only.
Winners to also receive complimentary access to a DFI youth workshop and the opportunity to participate as an Ajyal Juror (age appropriate) for the annual cultural event’s next edition.
All submissions will be judged according to the following criteria:
1. The flow of the story and how it reflects the theme.
2. Quality of script structure
3. Cinematography & Production
4. Post-production
5. Use of original video content
The Jury reserves the right to disqualify any submission if it is inconsistent with the published competition rules.
To be considered eligible for this Competition, you need to agree to abide by the following procedures:
1. Shoot, edit and subtitle (where required) your film (the “Film”).
2. Get your parents’ approval and assistance to participate, and their consent on the terms and conditions.
3. To enter, please follow the application instructions, rules, and terms & conditions below.
Submission Rules:
1. To be a student in a public or private school in the State of Qatar
2. The participant should abide by the rules, customs and traditions of the State of Qatar.
3. Your film should summarize your creative interpretation of an item related to the above topic;
4. The length of the film should be between 30 seconds and 1 minute.
5. Your film can be presented in any language, but it must include the translation in one of two languages: Arabic and English (if your film is presented in Arabic or English, the translation is optional);
6. Parents can assist in filming, editing and filming the film.
7. Under the current circumstances, Filming should be done at home with family members only for the safety of all
8. Avoid shooting brand names, pictures or trademarks in your Film;
9. Your Film must not have been uploaded online or on social media or other public platforms prior to and following submission (if your film did not win, you may of course upload then)
10. Your film must not have participated in any prior film festivals and/or competitions;
11. The jury is allowed to decide to exclude any of the submitted films if they contradict the mentioned rules.
12. The decisions of the judging committee are final, and it is not permissible to object or (challenge).
13. The film file sent is named after the person’s first and last name (in English).
14. The Ministry of Education and Higher Education and its assistants have the right to use the winning films while preserving the intellectual property of the submitter.
Terms & Conditions:
1. By participating and submitting your entry to the “School Stars” competition (the “Competition”), you, the participant (“You”) agree to be bound by the following Terms and Conditions.
2. The Ministry of Education and Higher Education (“MOEHE”) reserves the right to cancel, amend and/or withdraw this Competition at any time without notice.
3. All students are required to have parent or guardian’s consent to enter the Competition, and You will need to have your parent or guardian accept these Terms and Conditions on your behalf at the time you submit your entry.
4. MOEHE is not liable for any damages, injuries and/or health issues that You may sustain during the Competition, and you hereby agree to assume all risks associated with shooting your Film and participating in the Competition.
5. You are responsible for any and all costs incurred by You in connection with your participation in the Competition. MOEHE shall not provide You with any kind of equipment or funding to assist You in your participation in the Competition.
6. You are required to abide by and respect the laws of the State of Qatar and all other social norms, cultures and traditions of the State of Qatar and You must get consent from each and every person You intend to include in your film. You are solely responsible for any failure to comply with this provision.
7. Copyrighted material such as music must not be used without written legal consent from the copyright owner. The use of copyrighted music or any other content without legal consent will disqualify your Film.
8. By participating in the Competition and by submitting your film entry, You undertake, agree and warrant that (i) You have all necessary clearances, consents and permissions from all individuals captured and in relation to any content featured in your Film; (ii) the Film is a new and original work (containing original content and/or legally licensed third party content) and does not infringe the intellectual property rights of third parties; (iii) Your entry is free from viruses, Trojan horses, spyware or other harmful code. You further warrant that you have the full right and authority to grant the licenses set out in this document to MOEHE.
9. MOEHE not be held responsible for any social media network or digital platform failing or refusing to host your entry on their channels.
10. The copyright in your entry will remain with You. You hereby grant to MOEHE, on a free of charge (royalty-free) basis, a non-exclusive, worldwide sub-licensable license to use, copy, encode, archive, modify (including the right to modify the format), adapt, create derivative works, reproduce, distribute, transmit, broadcast, publicly perform, display and transmit in public places including (without limitation), on any and all websites and/or social media page(s) of MOEHE, display and transmit in any media including but not limited to print, radio, TV and the Internet, combine with other content, and to disclose the entry to relevant third parties on an as required basis. Where the entry is submitted by more than one person, each party, jointly and severally grant the licenses contained herein.
11. You hereby agree to indemnify MOEHE, its subsidiaries, affiliates and related entities, and its respective directors, officers, agents or employees and any other third parties involved in the Competition, and hold each of them harmless against all actions, claims, costs, damages or expenses which may be brought against, made against or incurred by any of them as a result of or in any way connected with any (i) breach of these terms and conditions by You; (ii) breach, infringement or unauthorized use of a third party’s intellectual property rights by You; (iii) injury to or loss of property of any person caused by You; (iv) your illegal, fraudulent, reckless or negligent acts; and (v) any breach of warranty, promise or representation made by You.
12. You are not permitted to use the name, logos, branding, images or any other intellectual property of MOEHE or any MOEHE subsidiary, affiliate or other related entity or that of MOEHE’s partners without MOEHE’s express prior written consent, which may be withheld in MOEHE’s sole discretion. You acknowledge that your participation in the Competition does not give rise to any right or entitlement to any intellectual property owned by MOEHE.
13. The Competition and these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of the State of Qatar. You hereby agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Qatar in the case of any dispute concerning your participation in the Competition and/or arising out of these Terms and Conditions.
Please complete your information in the application form to confirm applying your film successfully.
Application Form
By clicking “Submit Film”, you agree to these Terms and Conditions.