Ajyal Film Festival 2024

Ajyal Film Festival 2020

All Ajyal Film Festival 2020 Films


Ajyal Competition - Ajyal Film Festival 2020

Manuel J. García / Feature Narrative / Spain, China, Argentina / 2019 / 80 min / MENA Premiere
Rated: Parental guidance is advised. Some material may be inappropriate for young children.


Deep among the beautiful mountains, lush forests and blue streams lies a unique little town—Spokesville. There, an entirely pedal-powered population of bicycles live an idyllic and environmentally sustainable existence. The aptly named “Speedy”, a shiny green mountain bike, is the town’s fastest hero and delivers the mail to all of the inhabitants. That is until a new invention comes to town, the smoky combustion engine. Troubled by the new development, Speedy becomes the unwitting leader of a group of environmental activists, who are determined to stop the engine from polluting their unspoilt haven.
In an effort to protect their town, the group lead an environmental drive against the two nefarious bikes behind the engine, bankers Romulus and Remus, as well as their protégé, Rock Bikeson, a local racing champion and Speedy’s idol. Will Speedy and his motley crew be able to save Spokesville? ‘Bikes’ is a free-wheeling animated adventure for children and adults alike that teaches the importance of friendship, teamwork, and the need for green transport in building a better, healthier, and more sustainable future.


Manuel J. García
John Michael Boughn, Michael Maurer
Ximo Perez, Marife de Rueda, Li Bo, Jiang Yingtian, Fernando Sokolowicz
Sales Company

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