Ajyal Film Festival 2024

All Events

Our Children First: Opening Ceremony

Industry Panels – Industry, DURATION: 120min


  • Reservations Start
    Thu Jan 01, 04:00 AM (GMT+3)
  • Please note the industry events are only open to accredited industry members, film professionals and film students.

Event Description

Join us on a mystical media journey where narrative and song are interwoven to tell the transformative story of media for children and youth.
It's the ‘call and response’ of ancient times as young people share their media habits – from storytelling around the fire to apps and games in the palm of your hand.

a. ‘Once we were silent!’

b. ‘Our Children First!’ - Setting the context with a welcome and an overview

c. ‘...Then we were given a Voice’ – Voices from our dynasties… with responses from our empires
As we bring together specialists and veterans in the area of children, youth and media, we are mindful that the mammoth task of finding common ground, fruitful collaborations and meaningful change is not an easy one. However, most of us have been working in this sector for many years and we have become acutely aware of the pitfalls and achievements; the highs, the lows and what keeps the wheel turning...

Our intention here is to recognise that we have to keep the wheels turning but we also need that extraordinary sparkle that makes this sector so enduringly exciting and memorable – after all, we are working with children and their imaginations… we are giving them hope, inspiration and above all we are allowing them to dream; offering them alternatives to what they are familiar with...

So how do we capture our children’s imagination when they are so diverse, so fragile and some so wounded by war, hunger, poverty... and others who still live in the magical world of make-belief?

In this opening session we travel to all the regions of the world, as our friends take us on a journey to Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Latin America, the Caribbean, North America... and the rest of our global village.

d. ‘…Now we have our own Voice!’
All participants introduce themselves.

  • Firdoze Bulbulia



  • Fatma Al Remaihi

  • Fatma Mohamed Alloo

    Board Member, Zanzibar Film Festival

  • Layaly Badr

    Creative and Sales Managing Director, Rotana Studios

  • Mohsen Chiniforoushan

    Secretary General , CIFEJ

  • Marion Creely

    Executive Producer, EBU Children's Documentary Series

  • Aldana Duhalde

    Director of New Projects , Medio Mundo

  • Moneeza Hashmi


  • Faith Isiakpere


  • Andrzej Roman Jasiewicz

    Chairman of Children and Youth Section, Polish Filmmakers Association

  • David Kleeman

    Senior Vice President, Insights Programs, PlayCollective

  • Christine Mendoza

    Co-Director, Youth Documentary Workshop, The Educational Video Center

  • Sami Raffoul

    CEO, Pan Arab Research Center (PARC)

  • Beatriz Rosenberg

    Content Director, BR4Comunicacoes

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