تمويل الأفلام

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Chibayish 2023

دورة منح الخريف 2022 - إنتاج

Alia Farid / فيلم تجريبي قصير / الكويت, قطر / 0 دقائق / اللغة الأصلية: العربية / الإهتمامات: وثائقي, Experimental


‘In Lieu of What Is’ (Chibayish) examines how nature in southern Iraq has been viewed as a harbour for political resistance. Filmed at the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, the film follows the artist’s interactions with three young marsh residents: Riad Samir and Jassim and Qassim Mohammed. It includes footage of them caring for a water buffalo, describing their geography, and traversing a marshland surrounded by oil infrastructure. ‘In Lieu of What Is’ is part of a larger group of works that Alia Farid has been developing since 2018 that looks at the impact of extractive industries on the ecological and social fabric of southern Iraq and Kuwait.

طاقم العمل والتمثيل

Alia Farid
Alia Farid and Muhammed Al Mubarak
شركة الإنتاج

نبذة عن المخرج

Alia Farid lives and works in Kuwait and Puerto Rico. Her work has been exhibited in Kunsthalle Basel (2022), Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis (2022), Kunstinstituut Melly (2022), Portikus (2019), Whitney Biennial (2022), Lahore Biennale (2020), Yokohama Triennale (2020), Gwangju Biennale (2019), Theater of Operations: The Gulf Wars 1991-2001 in MoMA PS1 (2019), Sharjah Biennial (2019), and the Bienal de São Paulo (2016). She has forthcoming solo exhibitions at Chisenhale Gallery in London and Passerelle Centre d'art contemporain in Brest.


  • Main Contact

    Alia Farid

    البريد الإلكتروني: 

  • Main Contact

    Muhammed Almubarak

    البريد الإلكتروني: 

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