Film Funding

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Flower of the Sand

Spring Grants 2024 - Production Stage

Jaouad Babili / Feature Documentary / Morocco, Qatar / 75 min / Original Language: Arabic / Interests: Documentary


After the destruction of illegal fishing boats, a woman named Oumi Zahra, in her fifties, decided to open a small café in the fishing village of Lassarga, near Dakhla in southern Morocco. The café quickly became the heart of the village, bringing together various sea-related professions and fostering new social connections. Oumi Zahra becomes a symbol of a woman overcoming challenges in a male-dominated environment, adding rich social dynamics to an already complex backdrop. Her café not only transforms the village but also creates a space where fishermen, traders, and locals can connect, share stories, and support one another, highlighting the power of community and resilience.


Jaouad Babili
Mohamed Bouhari, Jaouad Babili
Taoufik Charafddine
Production Company
Mades Vision

About the Director

Jaouad Babili works in Morocco and sub-Saharan Africa as a director and reporter for several Arab TV channels. His cinematographic approach, in both documentary and fiction, is infused with poetry and serves as a liberation from the journalistic style.


  • Main Contact

    Taoufik Charafddine

    Mades Vision

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