Film Funding

  • 1976

    Spring Grants 2022 - Post-Production Stage

    Chile, 1976. Carmen heads off to her beach house to supervise its renovation. Her husband, chil…

    Manuela Martelli / Chile, Argentina, Qatar / Feature Narrative

  • Horizon

    Spring Grants 2024 - Post-Production Stage

    When Basilio and his mother, Inés, understand that they are dead, they decide to embark on a ph…

    Cesar Augusto Acevedo Garcia / Colombia, France, Luxembourg, Chile, Germany, Qatar / Feature Narrative

  • The Invented Biography

    Fall Grants 2017 -

    Arturo Belano, alter ego of the writer Roberto Bolaño, shared with his creator a significant pa…

    Nicolás Lasnibat / France, Chile, Qatar / Feature Documentary

  • The Last Land

    Spring Grant 2014 - Production Stage

    Evangelina and Amancio, an elderly couple, live out their lives on an isolated hill. Evangelina…

    Pablo Lamar / Paraguay, Netherlands, Chile, Qatar / Feature Narrative

  • Rey

    Fall Grant 2015 - Post-Production Stage

    In 1860, a 35-year-old Frenchman explores Araucania, an autonomous region of southern Chile. Th…

    Niles Atallah / Chile, France, Netherlands, Germany, Qatar / Feature Narrative

  • Too Late to Die Young

    Fall Grants 2017 -

    The summer of 1990 in Chile. A small group of families lives in an isolated community right bel…

    Dominga Sotomayor / Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Netherlands, Qatar / Feature Narrative

  • The Wind Blew On

    Fall Grants 2017 - Post-Production Stage

    “Perhaps I’m already dead?” says the child, and no one will confirm if this is true or false. H…

    Katrín Ólafsdóttir / Iceland, Qatar, Spain, France, Chile / Feature Narrative