Film Funding

  • 1982

    Spring Grant 2015 - Production Stage

    A DFI Inclusive Screening Working in partnership with the Translation and Interpre…

    Oualid Mouaness / Lebanon, United States of America, Norway, Qatar / Feature Narrative

  • 5 Seasons of Revolution

    Fall Grants 2017 - Post-Production Stage

    An aspiring video journalist in her 20s finds herself already facing self-reckoning. Born in Da…

    Lina / Syria, Germany, Norway, Qatar / Feature Documentary

  • As I Want

    Fall Grants 2020 - Post-Production Stage

    Cairo, January 25, 2013, the second anniversary of the revolution, under then-president Mohamed…

    Samaher Alqadi / Palestine, Norway, France, Germany, Qatar / Feature Documentary

  • Beauty and the Dogs

    Fall Grants 2016 -

    During a student party, Mariam, a young Tunisian woman, meets the mysterious Youssef and leaves…

    Kaouther Ben Hania / Tunisia, France, Sweden, Norway, Lebanon, Qatar, Switzerland / Feature Narrative

  • Cactus Flower

    Fall Grant 2015 - Production Stage

    Aida, a struggling actress, came to Cairo from the Delta as a university student; like many oth…

    Hala Elkoussy / Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Norway, Qatar / Feature Narrative

  • A Comedian in a Syrian Tragedy

    Spring Grants 2016 -

    A gripping chronicle of a revolution and war, experienced by Syrian actor Fares Helou. As one o…

    Rami Farah / Syria, Denmark, Qatar, France, Norway / Feature Documentary

  • Companions of the White Arc

    Fall Grants 2020 - Production Stage

    After conquering the majestic seven summits and the South Pole in 2014, Moe Al Thani is on his…

    Elia Youssef, Mohammed Al Thani / Qatar, Jordan, Lebanon, Romania, Norway / Feature Documentary

  • Costa Brava, Lebanon

    Fall Grants 2018 - Production Stage

    In ‘Costa Brava, Lebanon’, the free-spirited Badri family escape the overwhelming pollution and…

    Mounia Akl / Lebanon, France, Spain, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Qatar / Feature Narrative

  • Excursion

    Spring Grants 2023 - Post-Production Stage

    IMAN (15) and her class are planning their end of primary school excursion. While their parents…

    Una Gunjak / Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, France, Norway, Qatar / Feature Narrative


    Spring Grant 2012 - Production Stage

    In a land dotted with killing machines, Yassine finds an easy cover-up for his crime. But even…

    Rama Mari / Palestine, Norway, Qatar / Short Narrative

  • It Comes By Night

    Spring Grants 2019 - Post-Production Stage

    When men turn up dead, the old folks whisper of the "aswang"—a shapeshifting beast from folklor…

    Alyx Ayn Arumpac / Philippines, France, Norway, Qatar / Feature Documentary

  • Lamb

    Fall Grant 2013 - Production Stage

    As ‘Lamb’ opens, nine-year-old Ephraïm (an affecting As ‘Lamb’ opens, nine-year-old Ephraïm (an…

    Yared Zeleke / France, Ethiopia, Germany, Norway, Qatar / Feature Narrative

  • Shambhala

    Fall Grants 2023 - Post-Production Stage

    In the heart of Nepalese Himalayas, Pema, a spirited woman, embraces a polyandrous marriage wit…

    Min Bahadur Bham / Nepal, France, Norway, Hong Kong, Turkey, Taiwan, United States of America, Qatar / Feature Narrative

  • Wajib

    Spring Grants 2017 -

    Shadi returns to his hometown to help his father hand-deliver his sister’s wedding invitations.…

    Annemarie Jacir / Palestine, France, Colombia, Germany, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Norway / Feature Narrative

  • Who Do I Belong To

    Spring Grants 2019 - Production Stage

    Aicha, a Tunisian mother gifted with prophetic dreams, lives in a rural farm with her husband B…

    Meryam Joobeur / Tunisia, France, Canada, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Qatar / Feature Narrative

  • You Will Die at Twenty

    Spring Grants 2016 -

    In a Sudanese village, a mother gives birth to Muzamel, a boy cursed by a Dervish prophecy that…

    Amjad Abu Alala / Sudan, France, Egypt, Germany, Norway, Qatar / Feature Narrative